The Massive Mainstream Mistake Many Corporate Execs Make

Going Long Podcast Episode 495: The Massive Mainstream Mistake Many Corporate Execs Make
( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )
In today’s solo episode of The Going Long Podcast, you’ll learn the following:
- [00:17 - 00:40] Introduction to the show.
- [00:40 - 10:33] Billy shares insights about the mistake of being obsessed with over-achieving, how it can have net negative impact on your life, and how you can move past this.
- [10:33 - 11:47] Billy wraps up the show.
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Episode Transcript
Billy Keels 0:00
The massive Main Street mistake many corporate execs make. Today's episode is sponsored by Billy Keels advisory services. If you want to learn more about how to make your 99 optional, just go to make it Once again, that's make it The massive mainstream mistake many corporate execs make this episode is one that is going to literally hit you right in the heart, especially if you are anything like me, which you probably are, because you're listening to today's episode. You've been listening to the episodes. If it's your first time listening to the episode, welcome. But here's the thing, like, as you are one of the you're a mid six figure, seven figure. Exec, and literally, I'm like, the thing that I think about it, and I start to realize that I it happened to me so often, and I have so many conversations with people that are falling victim to the exact same thing. And I just want to help you not feel the way that you're feeling anymore, because this massive Main Street mistake, once you get it corrected, oh, you're going to feel so good. You're going to feel so good, trust me, because I know what it's like, having lived through this myself and talking to people constantly that would connect through LinkedIn or through social media, or maybe you're on my my newsletter, and you decide you want to reach out and you want to talk. It's the same going through your corporate life. It's one of the things that as you continue to be highly successful, because you work harder than everybody else, you understand the importance of actually overachieving against your objectives, whatever they are, right, whatever the line of business that you're in, whether you're leading large teams across geographies, or you're running the top line of through your company, meaning that you are in sales and you want to do it in a way that's profitable, or maybe you are running one of the expense lines in the company, or you're looking for efficiencies, or you're helping to cut costs out of the business. Whatever your metric is, you are doing everything that you can to lead teams effectively, or maybe as an individual contributor, to over achieve against the target you're set. I get it been there, done. That was there for 26 years. And the thing is, as you get to overachieving against this target. At the end of the day, most people are seeing it from the outside and thinking, Okay, well, you just have to continue to make sure that you are overachieving, because you want to be that person that is constantly there to make it rain, or to to be the ex Employee of the Year. I get it. And at the same time, if someone just kind of talk to you in the side, in the corner, like, hey, look, Billy, why are you working so many hours? Why are you overachieving? What is the 300% of your target year after year after year? And you really just want the answer that's like, Look, nobody wants to hear this, but I just want to feel valuable. I just want to feel needed. Most people, you're, you're you're so busy figuring out, Oh, you got to do this, you got to do that, and you just are. You're really looking to feel valuable, feel needed. And it's one of these things, the journey starts, and it's day and it's night. You're working over and over and over and over. It's because you're making this one mistake. And I just want to shine light on the mistake, because once you understand it, you can correct it. That's the whole point, right? And as you, as you're working tirelessly, as you're overachieving against the target, as you're burning the candle at both ends, you also start to get to a point where you realize that you are tirelessly running in this continuous rat race and to what end? Right? There's got to be an end goal. It can't just be the continued promotion promotion promotion promotion promotion promotion promotion promotion promotion promotion, because that's not good for you. It's not good for your company, it's not good for your family. There's got to be a purpose behind it. Because one of the big mistakes is continuously running tirelessly in the rat race with no real purpose. But don't worry about that, because I'm going to share something that you can do, and it's going to make life better for you. It's going to make life better for your family and for your company. Trust me. Trust me. I've been there, done that spent 26 years in corporate. In the beginning, oh, man, I was drinking the Kool Aid. I was doing it all got to a point where, hey, listen, the Kool Aid still pretty good. And at the same time, life is for everyone else around me, family, friends and my company. Because the thing is, is, as others are, you know, continuously at work, you start to realize you pick your head up every once in a while, and that's why you're listening to the podcast and you're diving down the freeway, or you're maybe you're on the subway, or maybe you're on your plane, or maybe you're on the train. But the thing is, is, you're when you pick your head up, you start to realize you. There are other colleagues that are out there, and you know what? Yeah, they're working they're working hard. And guess what, they're also working smart. Your colleagues, they're working smarter than you, but not too long because you're listening here, you're watching. You know that you have the opportunity right now to not only catch up, but to but to surpass them. And I'm gonna give you a couple things that I want you to recognize so that you can stop making this massive mistake that I see so many people, and I speak to so many people every week, literally every week, and it's the same mistake. I did it too, and it's not your fault. It wasn't my fault. It's by design. It's by design, but once you kind of see it, you can't unsee it, and that's what I'm here to help, to unlock. Help you to unlock so that you can start even living more fulfilled and more purposeful in every single thing that you do. Because see, once you realize that there's a POC, proof of concept, I talk about it all the time, you're gonna get like, you're gonna become a POC prophet as well. Because once you see it, you can unsee it. And when you start recognizing that there are other colleagues who are no longer working tirelessly in the rat race, they are probably still working many hours, and they're working smarter, but they're working with this one thing that I'll tell you about in just a second, because once you start to see that one of the things that constantly talk about is, what can you do now? And what I want you to do is I want you to recognize that when you're not appreciating the all the work that you're doing, but more importantly, the skills that you are developing in your day job, in your corporate role. Importantly, there are very specific type of skill. These are transferable skills that you are not appreciating today. I want you to recognize it, because they are powerful. There is also not recognizing the risk that is around you from a corporate perspective, and it's just like in anything else, you just have to recognize the risk. It's not a good thing, it's not a bad thing. It is just what it is, so recognize it. And if you're not appreciating the corporate risk that exists or the transferable skills that you are developing, then you're missing a major opportunity, right? Because then there's other one other thing, as I said, like you're not appreciating the opportunities also that exist because you're developing transferable skills, and you're in an environment that allows you to thrive, but not appreciating these things is something that I want to turn it around, because I do want you to start to recognize you are building transferable skills. You are in an environment that at any point in time a relationship can end it just is what it is, professional or otherwise. So recognize it, accept it for what it is, and also appreciate the opportunities that are around you. Because when you do that, you get to a point where you can say, Listen, I really, really enjoy what I'm doing here during the day. It's fantastic. I'm developing skills, I'm developing networks. I'm gaining access to things that I probably would have never gotten had I not been a part of a big corporation and at the same time, well, you know what? There's also something else that you want to be able to do, that you another skill that you want to be able to develop, or utilize, the skills that you already are developing during the day for something else that continues to light your light. It helps you to even find more energy, more brilliance in the passion that you are looking for as you build something else, because you're already over performing in the day job. That's the whole point. You can over perform in the day job and still have passion to do something else that fills your cup, that allows you to connect even more with your family, and guess what? Believe it or not, it's going to help to make you a better employee. That's the secret. Because once you get there, you are going to get to your goal. You're going to feel better about getting to your goal. But at the end of the day, what will happen? And this is what is extremely powerful, because once you recognize that mistake of constantly tirelessly running in the rat race without recognizing taking a second to stop, like I just said. So this is where we're shining the light. You're recognizing, you're appreciating the transferable skills that you're building on us on every single day, every single rep that you are working during that 12 hour day that you're working, or the nine to nine, right? That's what we're talking about. And also the things that are around you to keep you, keep you on your toes, and the opportunities that you are building as a result of the skills and the network that you have and that you're building and over performing and get your targets. Because once you do that, and you start to accept and recognize and appreciate these things that are happening, guess what? Guess what happens to your self worth? It shoots up through the roof. Guess what happens to your understanding of the value that you bring to yourself, to your family and to the employer that you're a part of. It shoots through the roof. That's why I want to shine the light on this episode. That's why I want you to stop I want you to take
notice of the transferable skills that you have, the opportunities that are presenting themselves, and also. The reality of what it is every relationship will end in a professional sense, whether it's you or someone else. And the reason that this has come up is because I just literally had this conversation the other day. It inspired me to want to stop, to want to share with you, because these things are in your control, and stop just running, running, running, tirelessly in the rat race. Take note of the positive attributes that you are bringing in that you can use inside and outside of your role. If I had a mic, I'd drop it right now. Boom. That's it. Today's episode. That's it. Take it the take the episode. Share it with your family. Share it with your friends, and don't stop there. Get on the phone and talk to them about what you've heard here today, how it's affecting your life or your loved ones lives. Get on the phone. Do it? Make this real? Don't leave it in theory. Okay? And while you are taking today's episode to recognize that these massive mainstream mistakes that many corporates are corporate execs are making you can turn that around. Use it to your advantage. We've shined the light on it here. Stop running tirelessly, and that's it. I'm going to be here preparing the next episode. So until then, go out and make it a great day. And thank you very, very, very much. Today's episode is sponsored by Billy Keels advisory services. If you want to learn more about how to make your 99 optional, just go to make it Once again, that's make it You
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